About Tarn Taran Singh:
A musician, teacher, international Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and direct student of Yogi Bhajan. Tarn Taran Singh draws on a richly lived experience as a student of Yogi Bhajan and the teachings of Kundalini Yoga passed from the master himself. It was during winter on his way to Mexico to escape the cold with his wife that they were drawn to a full moon retreat at an Ashram in Tucson, Arizona. In search of a conscious community, they moved into the ashram and shortly after met Yogi Bhajan who told them to move to Amsterdam to help grow one of the first ashrams in Europe. With his wife, Tarn Taran then went on to travel all over Europe. Recording sacred mantras, teaching and supporting the growth of the European community. They established the Guru Ram Das ashram in Hamburgh, opened the Golden Temple Restaurant, started a Yogi Tea business and began the first ever Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Europe. Tarn Taran has lived his entire life with the teachings of Kundalini Yoga by his side and it is a pleasure to sit, learn and practice in the space of a man who embodies the teachings and community spirit that Yogi Bhajan inspired.